It’s important to us that our constituents feel fully informed and have resources to assist them during this pandemic. That’s why we’ve listed websites below with resources from the City of Chicago, State of Illinois and the U.S. Government to answer questions and to provide factual information. Browse through the links below, and if you have a questions that aren't included here, feel free to reach out to us today at buckner@illinois26.com.
State COVID-19 Resources
For resources from the State of Illinois about COVID-19 click here
What is Illinois Doing?
Protecting the health, safety, and wellbeing of Illinoisans is Governor Pritzker's top priority. The administration continues to work closely with local health departments, county officials and federal partners to put systems in place to respond to COVID-19. This website will provide the latest news releases related to coronavirus, video archives of press conferences and tips from leading experts to keep you and your family safe.
City COVID-19 Resources
For resources from the City of Chicago about COVID-19 click here
What is Chicago Doing?
The City of Chicago is committed to providing leadership and help throughout the evolving COVID-19 crisis. As this situation develops, we will continue to offer resources and support to people across the city. This website provides the latest information on a range of topics regarding COVID-19.
Federal COVID-19 Resources
For resources from the United States about COVID-19 click here
What is the United States Doing?
"The federal government continues to take aggressive and proactive steps to address the COVID-19 threat as the health and safety of the American people remain a top priority. We are halfway through 15 Days to Slow the Spread. Do your part to flatten the curve: Stay home as much as much as possible. If you need to go out, practice physical distancing. Under the direction of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, FEMA, HHS and our federal partners are working with state, local, tribal and territorial governments to execute a whole of government response to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and protect the public."
All 50 states, the District of Columbia, five territories and four tribes are working directly with FEMA under the nationwide emergency declaration for COVID-19.